Monday, April 10, 2006

The Beauty of the Desert Skies

Here is just one of the many reasons why we live in the desert! The sunsets are just gorgeous. I know this picture doesn't really do it justice. This is the view out of the back of the house and the kitchen window where we eat all our meals. Every night (well maybe not EVERY night) we stop for about 2-3 minutes and stand in awe of the beauty of the skies. It is an awesome reminder of how majestic our God is. I know that some out there will argue about the beach sunsets and I have to say - as one who has witnessed both kinds - nothing beats the desert sunsets or clear blue skies. There is something so unreal about both.

Thanks God, for little pleasures in our days! May we not be too busy to miss or pass these by.

Picture taken by oldest daughter A.


Anonymous said...

(great picture, a!) that is a beautiful sunset in the picture, so i can only imagine what it was like in person.

Anonymous said...

A did a wonderful job. Love the desert sunsets, but like you say, the water sunsets are just as gorgeous. God gave us a wonderful gift, didn't He?

Anonymous said...

Sunsets ore so butiffull on the east side!!!!!! Love ya, cc

Edie Guess said...

You rock CC! Of course sunsets are better on the E side!

Anonymous said...
