Sunday, January 06, 2008

Here's to "It's NOT Fair"

A neighbor of mine recently commented to me that it's just not fair that Brent had to die and for me to be left to take care of the kids by myself. I am very ashamed of my answer - I just shrugged and nodded and wanted to scream so much more. I have been contemplating this statement for a few weeks now and here is what I have come up with -

No, it is NOT fair - not fair at all. And I am glad that we are NOT getting what is fair - what we deserve. We are such sinners and God is so perfect and Holy and we cannot stand in His presence because of our sin. The only thing that God owes us is DEATH - eternal separation from Him. We have no other rights before God - what He does give us flows from His infinite LOVE, GRACE and MERCY. I am thankful that God loves me so much to see that this event needed to happen in order for His GLORY to shine forth in me and countless others that have been touched by Brent's death. If you don't have a clue or are completely bumfuzzled by this statement, I urge you to comment and maybe through the comments of others and myself we can help you see the complete and utter JOY that comes from living a life of Joy in Christ in ANY and ALL circumstances.


Anonymous said...

Amen sister!


"Our broken hearts and shattered dreams are healed by Heaven. The sufferings and tragedies of this life are placed in proper perspective when we set our hearts on heaven. We have comfort tht the trials of this world are preparing us for an 'eternal weight of glory' (2 Corinthians 4:17 KJV) in the next. We have hope of being reunited for eternity with loved ones. Better yet, we have assurance of meeting our most glorious God and Father, spending eternity basking in the glory of His presence. Thus, the ultimate tragedy of life--death--becomes the means by which we are given the greatest gift known: eternal life with God."
It is not fair...THANK GOD! By Brent's death, I have been forever changed...I have become bold and will "spread the Good News so that others might someday join in the triumphal celebration. We are the bearers of the only message that offers salvation from sin and death and a promise of eternal life. What a tremendous responsibility. What an awesome privlege."
Thank you God for using Brent's death to bring YOU more glory.

excerpts from the book "A Glimpse of Heaven" through the eyes of C.S. Lewis, Randy Alcorn, John Wesley and so many others!!!

Jan said...

Oh sweetie, preach it, sister. I must confess, I tend to fall into the "it's not fair" category any time things do not go my way. By my definition, fair means that everything works out the way I think it should...kind of selfish huh! Which brings out the extravagance of God's gift of eternal those who overlook his goodness...his Godness! To give us eternal life when it is well beyond our reach. What love. Thank you for the reminder to trust who God IS rather than who I try to make him AND the reminder that every good and perfect gift is from him. Thank you GOD for not giving us what we deserve!!!!

MamaJuneBugJones said...

“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12
I too have been forever changed by Brent’s death. I look at life so differently now. I try to live each day like it is my last and make sure all know how much I love them and treasure the true gospel of Jesus Christ. I am guilty of saying “It isn’t Fair” when it comes to Brent’s death. I do think that it is part of our Heavenly Father’s plan and I don’t try to understand it. I don’t think we are expected to understand everything. We are expected to have Hope and Faith that all will be well. I do believe that our Father in Heaven is a Fair and Just being. He Loves us more than we could ever imagine. He knows that we will make mistakes and that is why he sent his son for us. We are not expected to be perfect we are just expected to be perfectly trying to be perfect. But we can through repentance be made perfect and then return to live with our Dear Father and Our brother, Jesus Christ, in Heaven again. It is truly a beautiful plan of salvation he has set before us. I do think he gives us what we deserve, it just might not be what we expect or want, but it goes back to my point of, “We are not expected to understand everything.” Our Heavenly Father knows all and knows us and knows what will benefit us and make us stronger in the end if we can but endure to that end in righteousness. As difficult as life is, aren’t we glad we made the choice to continue our eternal progression? You’ve heard it said, “The Lord never promised us it would be easy; he just said it would be worth it.” Life is going to be hard and not what we expect at times. But if we endure to the end it will be worth it!

Susan said...

so i've thought a lot about this one...and here it is. society talks a lot about fairness. is it not fair that we have extremely rich - extremely poor, not fair that children are born with disabilities, not fair that some people die young while others live a looooong life? i don't think that this is 'fairness' i think it is about equality (not being = makes things 'unfair'). people think that if someone has a difference than the 'norm' that it is unfair. I don't believe it. E, you said it yourself "God has a plan and has had it even before B was born." No one can change that (nor do we want to!) This was his plan for you, for B, for the kids, for all of us whose life B touched. i believe sometimes people say things not really thinking-just feeling. your neighbor is probably hurting and unsure what to say. this is a great opportunity for you to share your beliefs in a compassionate way to help guide her in the right direction about B's death and God's light.
so with the plan in mind, people must live every moment! Love! Laugh! and have faith in the plan.
Love you E!

LivPurpleNow! said...

Right on, Sista! As difficult as it is, and will continue to be, it is all for His well-deserved glory. It's all about Jesus, not us.
We all need to keep our eyes on Him. You, my sweet friend, are helping us all to learn that lesson better.

Anonymous said...

Hi Edie,

You are such an inspiration. I have told everyone I meet about how you changed my life when we met on the flight.

John -- Row 1 seat D

Edie Guess said...

Oh John - I am so glad you are reading my blog!!!! I think of you often!! You were such a comfort on that long long flight home.