What would we do without our friends? God has been so GOOD with the people that he has placed in our lives over the last -well, 37 years! I love you all and hold each one of you close to my heart. God knows what He is doing when you each came across my path! You have each helped me in one way or another during these cloudy days of late. You have prayed for me, laughed with, cried with and for me,
watched tv with me, hugged me, travelled GREAT distances to be with me in my time of need, brought me chocolate and LOTS of flowers, listened to my rants, made me and my kids hats for the cold,
supported us with LOTS of your hard earned dollars, cried with me some more, went on walks with me, cleaned my house - numerous times, took out my trash, changed my lightbulbs, prayed for me some more, sent me cards upon cards and the list goes on and on. You guys ROCK! What would a girl do without her friends.
Please don't be sad if you don't see your picture listed here - you know who you are and I love each and every one of you!! From California to the East Coast!!!!